Wow - It's the end of January already! We have packed in so much to the month that it has disappeared in a blur. Just before Christmas we found the perfect house to move to on the East Of Christchurch. And it's not that easy to find the perfect house on the East since 4th September 2010.
So we grabbed it and moved on Friday the 13th of January - The Livingstones always like to add a bit of drama to everything we do!
We had exactly 3 weeks, from the day we signed up to the day we moved, to pack our house. And these 3 weeks included a 6.0 After Shock on December 23rd, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Our Anniversary on New Years Day. So we had to be organised and we did it!
So here I am sitting in our lovely new home typing this blog.
Everything is ready for the first day of school tomorrow. It's a bit further to school now so I'll have to be organised - I'm not known for being early to school :)
Last Saturday my second baby turned 18. And she went out to a bar with all her girlfriends who have turned 18 before her! It's hard to believe that my older babies are becoming young adults.
Happy 18th Birthday Kirsten - you are turning into an amazing young woman xx. Enjoy starting University this year! You will love it :)
Wow - February - another month of new beginnings ahead! Isn't Life exciting :)
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